Building Something Greater than Ourselves | Howard Doll
Everything regarding the temple from its foundations to its ornamentations reflects unity. Everything and everyone had to come together working in its purpose to carry out what would reflect the Holy Temple. Since the beginning of creation in the Garden of Eden the Father has desired to walk in unity with his people and to tabernacle among them. We see how the Children of Israel came together in the wilderness and learned how to work together to fashion the next tabernacle. Everyone coming together from different tribes working in their skill set. People can unite for various reasons with two possible results, build up or tear down. People can unite for an evil agenda, or to fight an evil agenda. The building of the Temple wasn't something that came about over night. It took men with a vision to complete that which the Father had placed in their heart to carry out from generations past. Yeshua's last prayer before leaving this world was that we might be one as He and the Father are one. The Word tells us people will know that we are His disciples by having love for one another. This is unity. If our agendas revolve around our own egos then we will never accomplish what He is wanting to do in us. We have to be devoid of selfishness. Only then can we be pliable and able to be used by the Father. Once we work in humility we can share in His one vision. If we can find a way to work together, there's nothing we cannot do together through Him.
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