Religion vs Relationship | Eddie Chumney
Ministry allows us the opportunity at times to build relationships. In this we establish bonds of trust, moral support and accountability through trying times. When we are victorious, our friends and colleagues share in our achievement, as do we with theirs. We are a team and a community. Now on the flip side of gathering together as an assembly, we can forget those things and allow religion to become dominate in our role in the congregation. Religion are those things we do habitually to express our faith. When we put our expression on outward things above our relationship with brothers and sisters, without the mortar of love and mutual respect, that is when we fail as a congregation and as a body. Christ came as a perfect example of not just how the Law is to be lived out but how to serve and support His fellow man. He chastised the Pharisees for putting greater emphasis on tithing of mint, cumin and anise rather than extending the weightier matters such as justice, mercy and faith. He came to serve not to be served. What have we gained in our service to the Father if we neglect the foundational principals of love for one another. Without having relationships we carry our load alone.
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