Rosh Chodesh | Av

Jul 19, 2023    Bill Cloud

This month’s Rosh Chodesh service is centered around the fifth month of Av. Though not mentioned by name, it is mentioned in connection to Aaron’s death. Some of the darkest events in Israel’s history are said to have occurred in this particular month. However, a lot of the tragedy associated with this month are incidences by which man was the reason why some of these events transpired. The month of Av could have been filled with joy had men chosen differently. The word Av means “father,” derived from the word Abba — a more personal title. Whether in times of great distress or times of comfort and joy, He is our Father. He is abundant in goodness and truth; long suffering and merciful. Av is also connected to the tribe of Simeon. Simeon means “to hear.” Thus this month is thematically connected to our ability to hear God. The tribe of Simeon is associated with those who would not hear the Father. They were the only tribe that was not blessed by either Jacob or Moses. However, the nation of Israel is incomplete without Simeon. In the end, among the 144,000 servants, twelve thousand that are sealed are from Simeon. Thus, Simeon is restored. He who hath an ear, let him hear.

We meet to acknowledge the renewal of the moon and to honor our king. It reminds us that every time we get together that the cycles of the moon are always constant just as our heavenly Father is. When the world may look like its being turned upside down, He is always constant.

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