Waiting for Redemption

Dec 25, 2021    Bill Cloud


Exodus 1:1 – 6:1

“Waiting For Redemption”

Join us for our Shabbat Service with Bill Cloud and the Jacobs Tent Family!

In this week's message, Bill Cloud talks about how to live our lives in relation to Egypt. The Father in His mercy, doesn't hold our past in Egypt against us. And so we should always extend mercy and not judge those who are still in Egypt. God will call them out by name in His time. It is important for us to remember that just like the adversary sows tares in the midst of the wheat... The Father sometimes raises up wheat in the midst of the tares for His glory. Is it possible for us to look beyond the "Egyptian" garb to recognize our brothers and sisters?

Scripture Verses Mentioned:

Exodus 1, verses 1 - 7

Acts 17, verses 18 - 23

Exodus 2, verses 11 - 14

Exodus 2, verses 23 - 25

Hosea 3, verses 4 - 5

Exodus 3, verses 7 - 8

Matthew 23, verses 38 - 39

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