When Destiny Comes Calling

Sep 9, 2023    Bill Cloud

As the Children of Israel came into the Promised Land, we see that God is a keeper of His promises. Through all the trials and tribulations, we see that He is faithful. So if He is faithful then, surely will He not continue to be? Moses was concerned about the future of the people when he is no longer with them. God had even told Moses that they will turn away. We all bear fruit regardless of what we choose to do, good or evil. It is imperative that we don’t just share Bible stories but to teach them so that we may grow in spiritual maturity. Deadly things from the past cannot be carried into the future if we are to flourish. Even having an attitude of doing whatever we feels ok without consequence is as being rebellious. Even the parable of the 10 virgins we see see 5 of them were acting foolish by not thinking ahead and being prepared. The end result cost them their divine appointment and their destiny. If God has truly called us to be here, we should understand that there will be difficulties, disappointments and obstacles to overcome, but that doesn’t mean He isn’t here. Being challenged to purge us of all that is contrary to His calling will enable us to achieve our destiny and see Him, face-to-face.

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Yahweh bless you and keep you! Shalom.